The Grown-Up School – Terms and Conditions for Educational Workshop Bookings ๐
Welcome to The Grown-Up School!
We’re thrilled to work with you as part of our educational workshops. Please take a moment to review the following terms and conditions, which outline the terms of your workshop bookings with us.
1. General Terms:
1.1 Liability:
- The Grown-Up School is committed to providing safe and enriching workshops. However, we are not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur during our workshops. Schools and businesses hosting our workshops are responsible for ensuring a safe environment during the event.
1.2 Photography, Publicity and Marketing:
- By participating in our workshops, schools and businesses agree that The Grown-Up School may use photographs or videos taken during the workshops for promotional and marketing purposes.
- However, The Grown-Up School will not capture photos or videos during workshops without appropriate consent in place, including verbal consent from adult participants and parental/guardian consent forms for students. If you have concerns about this, please let us know in advance.
2. Free School Workshops (School Guidance):
2.1 Cancellation and Refunds:
- Schools requesting free workshops funded by businesses understand that securing funding is crucial. If we cannot secure funding within three weeks before the workshop date, the workshop may need to be cancelled.
- We will inform schools as soon as possible if we are unlikely to receive funding for their workshops.
- Schools acknowledge that they will not be entitled to compensation if the free workshops are cancelled for any reason.
2.2 Volunteers: Schools acknowledge that The Grown-Up School may bring non-DBS checked volunteers to workshops. These volunteers will always be accompanied by a DBS-checked colleague from The Grown-Up School and will have received a volunteer guidance briefing.
2.3 Repeat Cancellations:
- To ensure the smooth operation of our workshops, schools that repeatedly cancel or reschedule workshop dates may be declined for future bookings.
2.4 Student Behaviour and Safeguarding:
- Schools are responsible for managing student behaviour during the workshop.
- An authorised member of staff from the school must be present at the workshops at all times to manage student behaviour and ensure safeguarding.
2.5 Feedback Collection and Sharing:
- By using our services schools consent to The Grown-Up School collecting feedback from workshop participants. They also consent that feedback can be shared on our website, in marketing and promotional material, and other media platforms. All feedback will be anonymised unless appropriate consent is received from the person providing the feedback or their respective guardian.
2.6 Logo Usage and Partnership Acknowledgment:
- Schools booking workshops with The Grown-Up School agree that, by booking workshops with us, The Grown-Up School can use their respective logos on The Grown-Up School website and refer to them as partner organisations.
3. Free School Workshops (Business Guidance):
3.1 Cancellation and Refunds:
- If a business has generously paid for a workshop on behalf of a school, and the school cancels the workshop, The Grown-Up School will either refund the business or transfer their booking to another available workshop, based on the business’s preference.
- We are committed to providing schools with extremely reliable and high quality support. When a business pays for a workshop booking on behalf of a school, they also need to be 100% committed to that workshop taking place. For this reason, if a business has paid for a workshop on behalf of a school, but is unable to attend the workshop for any reason, or the business wishes to cancel for any reason, we will continue to deliver the workshop as planned without the business. For the benefit of the school, in these circumstances, The Grown-Up School not refund the business or transfer their booking to another available workshop.
- In the rare event of unforeseen circumstances, such as staff sickness or unexpected occurrences, The Grown-Up School reserves the right to cancel a workshop. In such cases, a full refund will be provided.
3.2 Feedback Collection and Sharing:
- By using our services the business consents to The Grown-Up School collecting feedback from workshop participants. They also consent that feedback can be shared on our website, in marketing and promotional material, and other media platforms. All feedback will be anonymised unless appropriate consent is received from the person providing the feedback or their respective guardian.
3.3 Volunteers:
- By using our services the business agrees that volunteer participants they invite to the workshops will be authorised employees for the business only.
- Businesses booking workshops agree to ensure that all attendees will receive, read, and adhere to the terms of our volunteer guidance briefing.
- Prior to the workshop, businesses will ensure that a full list of volunteer attendee names are provided to The Grown-Up School, no later than 24 hours prior to the workshop. The business agrees that if staff members have not been included on the volunteer list, they will not be able to participate in the workshop, even if they have travelled to the school on the day.
- Businesses agree that as volunteer attendees have not been approved/security checked by the school, they must remain supervised The Grown-Up School facilitator at all times throughout the workshop day.
3.4 Payment Terms:
- Payment for our workshops is due upon booking, and access to the workshop will be granted upon receipt of payment.
3.5 Logo Usage and Partnership Acknowledgment:
- Businesses booking workshops with The Grown-Up School agree that, by booking workshops with us, The Grown-Up School can use their respective logos on The Grown-Up School website and refer to them as partner organisations.
4. Paid School Workshops:
4.1 Payment Terms: Payment for our paid workshops is due upon booking, and access to the workshop will be granted upon receipt of payment.
4.2 Cancellation and Refunds:
- We understand that plans can change. Workshops cancelled more than one week in advance of the scheduled date will be refunded in full, or the booking can be transferred to an alternative date.
- Workshops cancelled with less than one week’s notice will receive a 50% refund of the workshop fee.
- In the rare event of unforeseen circumstances, such as staff sickness or unexpected occurrences, The Grown-Up School reserves the right to cancel a workshop. In such cases, a full refund will be provided.
- To ensure the smooth operation of our workshops, schools or businesses that repeatedly cancel or reschedule workshop dates may be declined for future bookings.
4.3 Volunteers:
- Schools acknowledge that at any time The Grown-Up School may bring non-DBS checked volunteers to workshops. These volunteers will always be accompanied by a DBS-checked colleague from The Grown-Up School and will have received a volunteer guidance briefing.
4.4 Feedback Collection and Sharing:
- Participants consent to The Grown-Up School collecting feedback from workshop participants. Feedback may be shared on our website and other media platforms. All feedback will be anonymised unless appropriate consent is received from the person providing the feedback or their respective guardian.
4.4 Logo Usage and Partnership Acknowledgment:
- Schools booking workshops with The Grown-Up School agree that, by booking workshops with us, The Grown-Up School can use their respective logos on The Grown-Up School website and refer to them as partner organisations.
5. Paid Business Workshops:
5.1 Payment Terms: Payment for our paid business workshops is due upon booking, and access to the workshop will be granted upon receipt of payment.
5.2 Cancellation and Refunds:
- Plans can change, and we understand that. Workshops cancelled more than one week in advance of the scheduled date will be refunded in full, or the booking can be transferred to an alternative date.
- Workshops cancelled with less than one week’s notice will receive a 50% refund of the workshop fee.
- In the rare event of unforeseen circumstances, such as staff sickness or unexpected occurrences, The Grown-Up School reserves the right to cancel a workshop. In such cases, a full refund will be provided.
- To ensure the smooth operation of our workshops, schools or businesses that repeatedly cancel or reschedule workshop dates may be declined for future bookings.
5.3 Feedback Collection and Sharing:
- Participants consent to The Grown-Up School collecting feedback from workshop participants. Feedback may be shared on our website and other media platforms. All feedback will be anonymised unless appropriate consent is received from the person providing the feedback or their respective guardian.
5.4 Logo Usage and Partnership Acknowledgment:
- Schools booking workshops with The Grown-Up School agree that, by booking workshops with us, The Grown-Up School can use their respective logos on The Grown-Up School website and refer to them as partner organisations.
Next steps:
Please carefully review and acknowledge the relevant terms and conditions based on your booking type with The Grown-Up School.
Your participation signifies your agreement with these terms. The Grown-Up School reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions as needed, with notice provided to affected parties.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to providing enriching educational experiences through our workshops.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for being a part of The Grown-Up School community!